Theme: Value Based Healthcare

How central is the patient/client in the Dutch Healthcare system? And to what extent do we send our managers and leaders to this? Value Based Healthcare has recently been a popular subject. With this type of healthcare people are focussing on outcomes like healthcare and cost effectiveness . But to what extent are suppliers of healthcare applying the above mentioned methods?

VBHC asks for fundamental changes in the healthcare system. In this “on the way home” session we’d like to guide you as manager or leader into what VBHC actually is and into the smaller steps you can already take in the direction of Value Based Healthcare.

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Comment by client

I’m now working with Maaike for over 4 years and I got to know her as a very professional woman in her discipline. Because of my management roles at the VMP and VMZ I noticed that Maaike is very punctual and proactive. She encourages the board at meetings, member administration and the organization of congresses and theme trips. Next to her organizational talent she also has a good feeling for marketing and design.

Rik van Dommele, Manager Radboud UMC Nijmegen